Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Who's the "MAN" ??

Okay, the last few days of BLOGS have been sort of “heavy”. Let’s try a more “laid-back” type of post to start the week off…….

Who’s the Man!? “The Dark Knight” (BATMAN) or “The Boy Scout” (SUPERMAN)

Rei – You’re a Superman guy right?


Anonymous said...

Dude you know Bat's is the man! Like we always say, Superman is the republican of the Justice League LOL!

J.I. said...

I'm the man.... you aint know? Thats me under that mask. LOL

Naw for real though it has to be Batman.

Anonymous said...

Batman is the Man. I even heard the guy who played Superman in the new movie last year is gay in real life. This further proves Batman is the real.

Anonymous said...

Man, Superman 1, 2, & 3 were better than ALL of those Batman flicks. Batman is alright, but Superman has a bigger core audience.

Anonymous said...

Batman and Superman suck! The Incredible Hulk is the greatest comic character ever. Superman wears bright ass colors and Batman is a raving depressive lunatic.

The Hulk rules!

Anonymous said...

Bat's over Sup's anyday.