Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Is Ann Colter the Devil?

Is Ann Coulter the devil? SERIOUSLY?!?!? I’ve heard Ann be described as the Michael Moore/Rush Limbaugh in pants. I’ve heard that she’s a brilliant if not shrewd business woman. I’ve even heard her described as the “savior of women’s rights”. Okay, lets just pretend that all of these could potentially be true……..does that mean she can’t be the DEVIL incarnate? I think not!!!! Listen folk’s, Ann has been terminated from (2) editorial posts. In 2004 she was asked by USA Today to cover the Democratic convention. Within the article she began with, "Here at the Spawn of Satan convention in Boston..."(I guess it was her house warming party or something) and referred to some unspecified female attendees as "corn-fed, no make-up, natural fiber, no-bra needing, sandal-wearing, hirsute, somewhat fragrant hippie chick pie wagons." The newspaper declined to print the article citing an editing dispute over "basic weaknesses in clarity and readability that we found unacceptable." During a widely recognized Republican forum a few weeks back Ann as she always does found a way to place her left foot into her mouth yet again. She (in her own gentle way), called John Edwards a faggot. Now bear in mind, this is at high esteemed Republican event which is attempting to showcase a few of its Presidential nominees for 2008. This is at a group setting which is highly revered not just from a conservative view, but even to some liberals. The showcase that the Republican Party was attempting to portray was pretty much destroyed by the Devil’s….I mean Ann’s ignorant and childish remarks once again. She’s quickly becoming a step-child to the conservative party. A few days later she was invited to the Hannity & Colmes (spelled incorrectly…..on purpose J ) to explain her John Edwards comment. During the interview she was told that BOTH Republican nominees, McCain & Giuliani thought her comments were out of place and not warranted. She proudly proclaimed, “they’re wrong, and they’re stupid”. Talk about calling the kettle black :-)


RG said...

"Is Ann Coulter the devil?"...Yes, she's a media Devil. She knows how to manipulate it, many times with the hurtful truth. She knows exactly what people do not want to hear and goes ahead and says it because honestly that is what has paid her bills for a while now. Don't get me wrong, some of her rants are truly narrow minded but many times you can't really argue with her because it is her perception and those perceptions are sometimes based on truths as far as I am concerned.

Was she the first to say that Edwards was a fag? Yes. Was she the first to insinuate that? No. Remember those Kerry/Edwards photo slide shows going around the net depicting them as all kissy-huggy and gay? My point is that when Ann first said it, did you ask yourself why she would say such a thing? I bet you knew exactly why she would. I give her kudos for saying what many don't dare to even think.

WB said...

Annie has some issues, point blank. At the same time, if she is purposely using her comments as a money-making opportunity (as has been suggested).......well she might be brilliant. Issues or potential brilliance aside, she's becoming a bigger negative for the Republican Party than an asset. I wouldn't be surprised if she was black-listed from the majority of conservative events in the near future. At the same time, I wouldn't be surprised if she was chosen to introduce the winner of the Republican nomination either. Politics......you've got to love/hate it.

Anonymous said...

I'm not touching this one bro'. LOL

Anonymous said...
