Tuesday, March 20, 2007

02.05.08 - Who Will Get Your Vote?

The United States presidential election of 2008 will be held on November 4th, 2008. But before this day takes place, both the Republican & Democratic nominees will be chosen earlier in the year.

The candidates for each party will NOT be chosen by the flipping of coins. Nor will they be chosen by the pulling of names out of a hat. No, this will be personal…….YOU will have a choice in the matter.

On 02.05.08 a vote will take place to determine the Democrats nominee for the office of President of the United States. The two individuals leading the race as of today are:
The Senator from New York - Hillary Rodham Clinton
& the Senator from Illinois – Barack Obama.

In my opinion both of the candidates are capable, but at the same time each of them have weaknesses which will have to be dealt with internally sooner than later.

Question of the day: If the vote was to take place today, which would you vote for? Why?


Anonymous said...

Gotta go with Hill' on this one. It would be nice to have a brother in the "House" but America isn't ready for it.

WB said...

Let me ask you a question Mike.....Is America not ready for a black President OR is it that YOU are not ready for a black president?

Anonymous said...

Whatever WB. You know good and time well this country couldn't handle taking orders from a brotha. I mean they'd have a hard time as is taking orders from a woman if Hillary wins.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Bill Clinton! Hahaha

Anonymous said...

It really boggles my mind why anyone of African decent would choose Hilary over Obama. Is it that you feel you and majority of Black folks have 'arrived"?? Do you no longer feel the need to support your people?? Especially, one who is equally if not more qualified than his white counterpart!!! Do feel as if the "struggle" is over??

Please do not get it twisted, the Clintons are not our people's Saviour..yeah Bill did an OK job but if you did not know it was during his administration that 3 strikes and your out was passed. Who are the people who get wrongly persucuted the most...white folks...hell no Black folks. Who do you think was the most affected by this piece of legislation!!!! Bill wasn't doing Black folk no favors while he was in office and best beleive Hilary will not either.

Until we have faith and support our own, we will always suffer as a people.

WB said...

Ya'll might need to take some lessons from "msiowa" my brothers (smiles).

Anonymous said...

Oh, and for Mike Hall, aren't you America too?? America wasn't ready for desegregation either but that didn't stop Martin Luther King Jr...Your voice counts too, make sure it's a voice your slave ancestors and your children would be proud of!!!

Anonymous said...

Well "msiowa" why don't you run for president. This way I could vote against you! lol. Yeah, I was born in America, but I'm a black man. That makes me more than just a silly citizen. I don't buy into this hype and politics that are fed too us. You need to wake up sir/mam'.

Anonymous said...

Mr Hall, What happened "I'm Black and I'm Proud" It is Black folks like you who perpetuate the White stereotypes and have slowed down to progression of Black people as a whole. I was not giving you hype, just atating the fact..America wasn't ready for segregation. Thus the reason many died, shed blood and sacrifed a lot in order for it to come to pass, at least to some degree. Am I right or am I wrong, not hype but definately politically based. You feed on something, but I am scared to imagine what it is, if you can not see the importance of supporting your own!!! One most definately qualified!!! The saying is: a closed mouth never gets fed and you are starving for knowledge, my friend!