Thursday, March 15, 2007

Question: When is enough actually enough

When is enough actually enough? Better yet, let me poise this question to you: Do men and/or women who commit vicious crimes against children deserve rehabilitation? I ask this to you under the notion that "after" this supposed rehabilitation, they would actually be allowed to walk the streets freely, shop in grocery stores, go to the movies, and enjoy the other options which are available to all of us as generally law abiding citizens.

And might I add, they'd also have the ability to commit the same type of crime (or worse) at a later time.

This past Wednesday afternoon a jury in Citrus County, FL recommended death for John Couey for the vicious killing of Jessica Lunsford (9). Thursday afternoon, after a week long search for a young Michael Barrios (6), police found the young boy in a black garbage bag in a field near a local airport in Brunswick GA. Local police are expected to file murder charges against four people already in custody: George Edenfield, a 32-year-old convicted sex offender; his parents, David and Peggy Edenfield; and, family friend Donald Dale.

I am not a parent at this time. So I expect my feelings to be somewhat different or should I say possibly "lesser" in a sense from anyone who is blessed to have children of their own. With that said though, I am a GOD fearing/loving young man who yearns to be a father one day. I can only imagine the pain that the parents of Michael & Jessica must have endured learning of the deaths of their children.

Again, I ask you: Do men and/or women who commit vicious crimes against children deserve rehabilitation?



Anonymous said...

They should fry. There's no way they should be allowed to walk the street again

RG said...

The short answer is NO, the longest answer is HELL NO.

Nevertheless I'll elaborate...

I believe there are crimes so destructive to the victim that justice is not served unless the culprits are put to death.

For individuals convicted of sex crimes (serious sex crimes, not the ones where an 18 year old is charged for having sex with his 16 year old girlfriend) the punishment should include:

1) Incarcerate the person as the general means of punishment.
2) Perform castration. Always assume that the person may see the light of day again and you don't want them to have the ability recommit the crime.

For those individuals convicted of murder, deliver them to the highest judge ASAP by putting them to death. Allow for a reasonable amount of time to appeal, but for those cases where there is no doubt that the person committed the crime (Brian Nichols/Atlanta courthouse killings) don't even bother. The person should be put to death in the same manner as they put their victims to death.


Anonymous said...

How about just "life in prison"? This way no one else has to die. Yeah, they're wrong for killing and hurting kids, but we ain't GOD. I say PRISON for LIFE

Anonymous said...

Man those guys are sick. I heard that one of the guys mother help him kill the kid. Sick, sick, sick. I don't think they should be sentenced to death though. By the time they go to prison, beleive me the other inmates would take care of the job themselves. LOL