Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Don "The Cowboy" Imus

The Question: What does Rush Limbaugh, a Grand Dragon of the KKK, & Don Imus have in common? The Answer: A whole lot

A few weeks back I mentioned that Fox news characteristically hired Mark "Mr. LAPD" Fuhrman as a news consultant. This week MSNBC shock-jock Don Imus rocked the airways during the national broadcast of the Women’s NCAA Basketball Championship.

For those of you who don't know what took place during the broadcast, please see the following link: http://www.philly.com/philly/columnists/20070410_Elmer_Smith___Imus_is_a_stone-cold_racist_-___dont_you_forget_it_.html

MSNBC released a statement yesterday mentioning that Don Imus will receive a "suspension" for "Two Weeks" due to his comments.

What's your opinion on this matter?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am not one who is easily surprised by negative comments about Black folks..especially by someone of the Caucasion persuasion. However, my mouth flew open when I heard a rebroadcast of Imons and his producer's comments."nappy-hoes...giggaboos and wannabees" How dare he, who does he think he is. Those sistahs could be my sister, cousin, or best friend. But what really got me, was how some Black folks are quick to say, "well, we do it to ourselve, why get mad at him". A guick reply to that is what if that was YOUR sister, cousin, aunt, or Mama...I thought so!!!! HE SHOULD BE FIRED, LIKE YESTERDAY!!!! If he had made such a statement regarding a Jewish Young ladies, (you know they own the media outlets) We would not still be requesting his dismisal, it would have happened the same day!! These young ladies are not only athlethes they are scholors..If you didn't know Rutgers is a top-notch school, not a State open-enrollment University!!!